
AI study assistant

Study Buddy is an AI assistant creation app that allows you to design and customize your personal assistant's personality to cater to your specific needs. While it's particularly useful as a study companion, it can serve a wide range of applications.


In-Built Notes and Calendar

Study Buddy comes equipped with an integrated notes feature and a calendar function. Users can add content to their notes and calendar, with the added convenience of having their assistant access all the resources created.

Automated Study Plans

Utilize your AI assistant to generate personalized study plans and seamlessly integrate them into your calendar. This automation streamlines your study routine.

Note Summarization and Quizzes

Your assistant can access your notes, assist you in summarizing key points, and even quiz you in preparation for tests. It's a valuable tool for reinforcing your understanding of the material.


Study Buddy harnesses the power of OpenAI's GPT models to provide intelligent and interactive AI assistance. Tech stack also includes flutter, mongo, nestjs

Lola Wallet

Lola is a wallet application with features such as airtime and data purchase, interbank transfer, and bills payment (electricity, dstv e.t.c). Lola is availabe on playstore

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Alpha Safe

Alpha safe is a fintech application for loans, solo saving plans and group saving plans

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Timart Business App

Part of the amazing team that worked on the timart business app which includes features like inventory management, expense tracking, sales tracking and so much more to power E-commerce. Find it on Playstore here and on App store here.

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A pokemon app that let's you explore a large libarary of pokemons, view their strenghts and save your favorite pokemons!. (Built using freezed for data classes and flutter_bloc for state management). Find it on github here


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A basic weather forecast app built using flutter and API. Find it on github here


  • 5 hours forecast
  • Curent forecast
  • 5 days forecast
  • Look up forecast for other locations via search
  • Google map location
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TunePlayer is a basic music player app aimed at showing how MusicServiceCompat and MusicBrowerCompat can be used to build a music playback service. Find it on github here

Features and Libraries

  • Kotlin Coroutines with Flow
  • MediaBrowserServiceCompat
  • MediaBrowserCompat
  • MediaStore
  • Foreground Services
  • ViewModel
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Building custom widgets in Flutter

Okay so this is actually from a flutter paint competition not an actual project but i loved my entry so it definitely deserves a spot in my porfolio 😂😂. Find it on github here

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